Johnson Viking 500

Johnson Viking 500

The Johnson Viking 500 was produced in relatively low numbers with 865 manufactured from 1957 until 1964.

From 1960's ARRL Handbook -

VIKING "FIVE HUNDRED" TRANSMITTER-Rated a full 600 watts CW...500 watts phone and SSB. (P.E.P. with auxiliary SSB exciter.) All exciter stages ganged to VFO tuning. Two compact units. RF unit small enough to place on your operating desk beside receiver--power supply/modulator unit may be placed in any convenient location. Crystal or built-in VFO control--instant bandswitching 80 through 10 meters--TVI suppressed--high gain push-to-talk audio system--low level audio clipping. Pi-network output circuit with silver-plated final tank coil will load virtually any antenna system. With tubes, less crystals, key, and microphone. Dimensions: RF Unit--21" X 11-5/8" X 16-1/2". Power Supply--20-3/8" X 15-3/4" X 10-7/8". Total Shipping Weight:200 lbs. Cat. No. 240-500-1..Kit......Amateur Net $749.50 Cat. No. 240-500-2..Wired & Tested.......$949.50

Tube Compliment:

- VFO - 6AU6
- Crystal OSC Buffer - 6CL6
- Multiplier - 6CL6
- Driver - 5763

- RF Amplifier* -Single 4-250, 4-400A, or PL-175A (*All interchangeable)
- First and Second Audio -
12AX7 (1/2 per stage)
- Peak Clipper - 6AL5

- Third Audio - 6AU6
- Audio Driver - 6B4G

- Modulator - 811A , 811A (pair)
- Bias Rectifier - 6AX5G
- Low Voltage Rectifier - 5U4G

- High Voltage Rectifier - 866A, 866A (pair)
- Keyer - 12AU7
- Clamper - 807
- VFO Voltage Regulator - VR150
- P.A. Screen Voltage Regulator - VR105
- P.A. Screen Voltage Regulator - VR150, VR150, VR150, VR150 (four tubes)

- Johnson Viking 500 Manual